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MND: SUFAG delivers 120 snow-making machines to the future Olympic resort of Wanlong, China   (2016/01/07 3:20 PM)

The MND Group (FR0011584549, MND), an innovative developer of mountain and urban mobility solutions, is listed on the Paris Euronext regulated market, compartment C.

MND today announces the commissioning of 120 snow-making machines mounted on swivel arms delivered to Wanlong, an iconic resort due to host the snowboarding events as part of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Wanlong is one of three Olympic venues located near the city of Zhangjiakou around 180km from Beijing, a distance that will soon be covered in under 40 minutes thanks to a new high-speed rail link.

This contract, worth several million euros, is a significant commercial and innovative success for two reasons:

  1. The contract is exceptional in terms of volume, given that 120 snow-making machines ordered early in 2015 have just been installed as part of a single phase of this initial batch;
  2. Moreover, MND delivered a particularly remarkable technical solution by installing all of the snow-making machines on hydraulically-operated swivel arms, giving the apparatus a horizontal range of 11 metres from an 8-metre high tower. This solution was preferred by the resort owing to its strong and changeable wind conditions, which make it impossible to use static snow generators. Now, operators can position the apparatus in areas requiring artificial snow in accordance with wind conditions, whilst guaranteeing both safety and optimum performance.

This is the first time that the swivel-arm solution has been adopted for all snow-making systems delivered to a complex as large as Wanlong. Thanks to this pioneering installation, the future Olympic resort was able to open its slopes to the public ahead of time, in the second weekend of November, thus making a head start over China's other ski resorts.

In the words of MND CEO Xavier Gallot-Lavallée, "This project has enabled us to demonstrate our snowmaking expertise in advance of the tender procedures related to the Winter Olympics and shows our ability to offer innovative mountain development solutions. It opens new avenues for growth in China, where we have just set up a distribution subsidiary. MND now offers a global range of solutions for developing resorts (safety, snowmaking, ski lifts, leisure facilities) that is fully in line with the strategy pursued by the new Chinese mountain resorts, which are being designed as both winter and summer leisure complexes."

Find all the information you need on www.mnd-bourse.com

About MND Group: The MND Group has been based at Sainte Hélène du Lac (Savoie), in the very heart of the French Alps, since 2004. MND is one of the few market players to have a global range of products and services dedicated to the development, equipping and protection of ski resorts, leisure areas and other mountain infrastructure. Buoyed by its industrial expertise in the mountain cable transport market and by innovative technology protected by worldwide patents, the MND Group has strong growth potential in the urban cable public transport field, where it offers an unobtrusive alternative mode of urban transport. With five manufacturing plants in Europe (France, Germany and Sweden), eight distribution subsidiaries and 30 distributors worldwide, the MND Group has 320 employees and almost 3,000 customers in 49 countries.


MND Group – Roland Didier – Tel +33 (0)4 79 65 08 90
Actus Finance – Amalia Naveira or Marie Claude Triquet - +33 (0) 4 72 18 04 90 - anaveira@actus.fr / mctriquet@actus.fr

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